Please note that I am NOT a registered nonprofit so all and any donations and gifts are NOT tax-deductible. Because of this fact, it makes it harder for people to give because of the question of whether a fundraiser is reputable or not. I am deeply grateful and humbled by the Lord’ blessing in sending so many people to give to this necessary cause. I also thank all those who have given to help with the success of this fundraiser whether financially, free flea market space, advice, your prayers, the name of a private investigator who might be able to help at a discount, swathes of upholstery, many ways that while they may be considered small “tidbits” to the world, they were big helps for me and I do appreciate them. While a value cannot be placed for many of the ways that you have helped me (like your prayers), your help has been priceless. Thank you again.

2015 Donations:

$50.00 was donated to me to be used for expenses.

$1.76 was donated by me to be used for expenses.

$1.00 was donated to me to be used for the private investigator.


2015 Expenses:

The $51.76 donated for expenses was used:

  1. to open a P.O. Box for $44.00
  2. to buy Columnar Pads for bookkeeping for $7.76


2016 Donations:

Donations for the private investigator: $10.00

Flea Market donations for the private investigator: $52.00

50% of Flea Market sales: $31.00

Free Flea Market Space


2016 Expenses:

I did not receive any donations for expenses so all expenses such as the renewal for the P.O. Box was paid for by me.


April 1, 2017 Flea Market

$ 0 in sales

$ 0 in donations


April 15, 2017 Flea Market

$ 15.50 in sales (this is 50% of total purchase proceeds)

$ 0 in donations

*More to be added in the future. Please check back.

Thank you.