
“People who may have paused their memberships in protest of Cuties should be back when a show or movie they want to check out debuts on Netflix”- Motley Fool

On another note about Netflix, I came across a YouTube video by R&R Law Group that discusses whether Cuties is legally child porn. It was worth watching and I encourage everyone to consider watching it. 

YouTube: “Is the Cuties Netflix Movie Legally Child Pornography? Criminal Defense Lawyer Analysis 09/10/2020- by R&R Law Group

Netflix and Sex Issues?

About 15 minutes ago, I was looking for the latest information on Netflix’ profits. To be honest, I was hoping the latest would be that Netflix went bankrupt and is going out of business due to everyone except pedophiles cancelled their subscription. Hey! I am allowed to dream as much as the next person!

Anyways, as I am reading over and over and over again (because every news article has the director’ same disturbing words of we are wrong and would see we are wrong if we would only watch it), all of a sudden this old memory from a couple decades ago pops into my mind.

I was at a Burger King minding my own business sitting at a table eating the Whopper with Cheese, French Fries, and unsweetened ice tea I had just purchased when this man walks up and flashes his penus at me. Well I was horrified. He zipped and got out of their before he was arrested.

The woman who made Cuties is just like this man. She needs an arousal. She needs attention from people in order to be sexually satisfied. There are many people like this. If there weren’t then we wouldn’t have flashers and other deviant individuals ruining our days, and nights. These are people who are incapable of having a normal sexually satisfying relationship and this is the only way they can relieve themselves, by relieving themselves on us: the non-consenting man, woman, and child.

The sad thing about it is that Netflix doesn’t see this which makes me wonder if maybe the people making the decisions over at Netflix have sex problems also.

Believe me when I tell you, I do NOT want to know the gross answer. I am already grossed out enough by that flashing incident that I was reminded of and wishing it would go away as fast as it came, and never come back.

Just a disturbing note for whoever would like to know. I read in one news article that over 600 eleven year old girls tried out for this “documentary”.

I would like to know, where were their parents?!?!

(Standing in line with their daughters at the try outs hoping their daughters would get the part, and then beaming from ear to ear as they performed as the “chosen” performers for this “documentary”.)

While I will agree there are parents in this world who would not mind letting others take photos of their eleven year old daughter’ vagina and even prostitute her to every Tom, Dick, Harry, and John, I am having a hard time accepting it.


I am respectfully asking that if there is still any body in the United States of America who is not a “freak” who gets their “jollies” off of kiddy porn or raping and fondling “kiddies” to please consider cancelling your Netflix subscription due to Netflix showing “Cuties” and refusing to remove it.

The news story was found on Variety on MSN, and was titled: “Cuties Backlash Led Netflix U.S. Cancellations to Spike Nearly Eight-Fold, Analytics Firm Says”

You know, politicians really are consistent when they voice their outrage, it’s only once and then you never hear anything more from them. In this case I am talking about the one from Texas, Cruz. I guess ending sex trafficking isn’t important after all to him. When Meghan use to number the missing on, Texas was one of three states who had the largest number of cold case missing. Texas is also the state which has “UNTCHI”. I haven’t counted the names lately on her site due to her site is no longer secured. I guess it takes a lot of money to increase the amount of space needed. Money she doesn’t have, I guess. This is probably why she started a new web site which does not have the names.

Why would anybody watch a show of adults taking pictures of little girls vaginas as entertaining?!

Why would anybody want to watch a show of one girl taking a picture of her own vagina so she could post the picture on social media?! How is this entertaining?!

The question I have is how many of these children in this “dance crew” are actually abducted children whether from overseas or here in the United States of America?

But then, why would people even care to stop sexual exploitation of eleven year olds when they are willing to donate $163,948 to support sex trafficking in New York City?!